The Fifth Phase of the Study on the Quality of Life in Macao 2009 CUHK team: Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying (coordinator), Prof. CHAN Ying-keung, Ms. WAN Po-san and Prof. WONG Chack-kie | 2009 – 2010 Society and Demographic Transition Macao Quality of Life
An Assessment of Hong Kong’s Subjective Social Risk Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying and Ms. WAN Po-san | 2008 – 2010 Politics and Institutional Change Hong Kong Social Risk
Citizen Politics in Hong Kong: Social Membership and Political Participation Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying (principal investigator), Prof. KUAN Hsin-chi, and Ms. WAN Po-san | 2008 – 2010 Politics and Institutional Change Citizenship Hong Kong Political Participation
Public Perceptions of Major Themes Significant to Social Policy and Governance Efficacy in Hong Kong Prof. WONG Chack-kie | 2009 – 2010 Politics and Institutional Change Governance Hong Kong Social Policy
The Construction of National Identity in Post-colonial Hong Kong: Patterns, Determinants, and Modes of Practice Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying (principal investigator) and Ms. WAN Po-san | 2009 – 2010 Politics and Institutional Change Hong Kong National Identity
An Assessment of Hong Kong’s Subjective Political Risk Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying and Ms. WAN Po-san | 2008 – 2009 Politics and Institutional Change Hong Kong Political Risk
The Fourth Phase of the Study on the Quality of Life in Macao 2008 CUHK team: Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying (coordinator), Prof. CHAN Ying-keung, Ms. WAN Po-san, and Prof. YEUNG Yue-man | 2008 Society and Demographic Transition Macao Quality of Life
Voter Behaviour in the 2008 Legislative Council Elections Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying, Ms. WAN Po-san, and Mr. SHUM Kwok-cheung | 2008 Politics and Institutional Change Hong Kong Legislative Council Election
Comprehensive Study on Voter Behaviour in the 2008 Legislative Council Elections Prof. Timothy WONG Ka-ying and Ms. WAN Po-san | 2008 Politics and Institutional Change Hong Kong Legislative Council Election